Evolved Ring With Full Bleed Imagery

NISMO vehicles combined with an evolved ring will be the heroes of full bleed photos, demonstrating motion, racing, and performance in its true form, and reflecting the New Nissan Brand guidelines.

A4 Sizing of Ad Elements

The intention behind the new Nissan Brand feel and look is to reduce the number of conflicting messages/logos in order to create a more simplified, modern, dramatic, cutting-edge yet warm feel and look. The following typography standards should be utilized in the main communication space, ensuring comprehension of the message.

Note: For all high-quality print, the Nissan Illuminated 3D Logo is the default logo. The black logo shown here is for placement and sizing only.

A4 Flexible Element Hierarchy

The print element hierarchy has been developed to give regions the most flexibility, based on the creative direction.

Logo Placement
The placement example places focus on the heroic car image and headline, followed by the logo and a call to action (where applicable).

NISMO Print VI Guidelines

Click here to view further details on NISMO Logo sizing & placement in different Print formats - including horizontal formats.

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For internal Nissan use only. All images are for reference only. Please do not distribute outside of Nissan.