
Designing for Nissan Brand Retail Print

For Retail print we ONLY work with full bleed photography, consistent with upper funnel feel and look.

The use of talent is not compulsory. But it can add more humanity and warmth to a conventional retail message.

Combined with the new brand logo and the flexible hierarchy, the result is a more modern, clean yet dynamic feel and look. Creative should be reductive & focused on one clear retail message.

For logo placement and sizing refer to Print Channel Guidelines.

Print Primary Element Hierarchy

The print element hierarchy has been developed to give regions the most flexibility based on the creative direction.

Primary Logo Placement

The logo primary placement places focus on the heroic car image and headline, followed by the logo and a call to action (where applicable).

Print Secondary Element Hierarchy

The print element hierarchy has been developed to give regions the most flexibility based on the creative direction.

Logo Secondary Placement

The logo’s secondary placement places focus on a larger centered logo, followed by the heroic car image and headline, and a call to action (where applicable).

Retail Best Practice – Do:

  1. Be complementary to upper funnel messaging — creative synergy between global, upper funnel and retail regional campaigns.
  2. Create consistent and recognizable visual linkage clearly defining campaign as Nissan — consistent feel & look builds familiarity and increases recall.
  3. Offer compelling deal/product features — gives consumers the reasons to “buy now.”
  4. Continuous learning and optimization — understanding what is working and what is not drives planning and investment to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Retail Best Practice – Do Not:

  1. Add an offer to existing upper funnel creative.
  2. Be desperate and scream at consumers.
  3. Include "cheap" production quality.
  4. Over complicate the story, but rather focus on one clear retail message.
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For internal Nissan use only. All images are for reference only. Please do not distribute outside of Nissan.